Sunday, October 26, 2008

Workshop October 24th-report

Westdale United church: a low attendance again but the peopled who showed up formed a really dynamic and interested group with great questions that I have yet to find answers to. 2 people were interested in the Peaksaver program and I person took home an energy meter.Not bad in a group of 6 people.
Now how can we get more people out to the workshops?
We are invited to have a table at their Christmas festival Nov 22nd.

Monday, October 20, 2008

True City Forum-October 16th

The question continues to be how do interest people in the care of the environment? Greg Reader of True City asks how can Christians begin to see their role as care takers of the Earth as suggested in the Bible?
Traditionally, Christians have been concerned with social justice issues: can we build on this concern to include the environment and conserving it as a social justice issue as well? The ones who suffer the most from environmental degradation are the ones who are economically poorest.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Second Workshop-Oct 14th at St Joes Catholic Church

A low turn out (8) but a very keen, enthusiastic group. I Had 3 people take energy meters, and I person sign up for the PeakSaver program.
I was told the turn out was low due to Thanksgiving Weekend and not the elections!
Anyway, I am invited back at their Coffee Sunday to hand out planners and energy saving kits.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A crude Awakening a St Joes

A whopping audience of 60 people showed up for the screening of A Crude Awakening two night ago at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Thanks to our volunteer Richard Reble who organizes the screenings. See the schedule (events) for other Peak Oil screening locations around the city.